Saturday, April 5, 2008

We're Here!

Hey everybody! After about a twelve hour journey by means of airplane shuttlebus and rental car we have arrived to take Virginia by storm. We were all very tired but still getting along and being reasonably polite to each other. We didn't have too much difficulty finding our resort and were happy to find it comfortable, new and convenient. We immediately made an impression (not necessarily a GOOD impression but definitely an impression) on some of our neighbors. Dad, Catherine and I went to Wal-Mart to get breakfast supplies for the morning. By the time we got done there it was 11:30 at night and we were really tired. When we stepped out of the store it was raining pretty hard and we were getting kind of wet. (It was nice and warm though, about 70 degrees.) We got back to the resort, found kind of a tight parking place and grabbed all our groceries to carry back into our place but when we got to the front door we found it locked from the inside and our keys wouldn't work! We rang the doorbell a couple of response. We knocked, then knocked a little harder...still no response. Okay, by now we were feeling a little ticked. Our arms were about falling off with the weight of the groceries and the rain was running down the backs of our shirts and into our pants. Dad gave the door a half a dozen good hard bangs. At this point I looked at him and said, "Are we sure this is our place?" He made a quick check and said, "Uh, no..." You wouldn't believe how fast he and Catherine high-tailed it to the car. I would have too, but unfortunately, I had dropped a gallon of milk on this strange door step and just as I was picking it up the door was opened by a very sleepy older lady in her nightgown who really wanted to know who this bedraggled door-bell-ditcher on her porch was and why I had aroused her from a deep sleep. I explained as best I could, apologized profusely and backed away quickly. I'm just hoping she was so asleep she'll never be able to recognize me in a police line-up.


Faith said...

Oh my, what a way to introduce yourselves to the neighbors! We are glad that you have arrived safely and that you are getting off to such a "fun" start.

The Woodlands said...

Hey Guys! I'm so glad that you are keeping us up to date on your trip by posting on your blog. I love all of the trees in bloom and hope you get a lot of pictures. Sounds like you shouldget the award for the oldest lady to door bell ditch (and with gifts?). Anyway, love ya. Glad you're off to a good start.

The Woodlands said...

By the way, I love the picture. But where is everyone else? Did you take a private jet?

supermarm &superpops said...

The reason the plane looks so empty is because Grandma gets to board the flight before anyone else and we get to go with her. I wanted to take that lady we doorbell ditched some flowers but I think they left the next morning.

Faith said...

Sweet deal about the early boarding on the plane. Grandma you can come on flights with us anytime! Plus you are so much fun to be with, hehe.
Dictation for Charity:
Mom, stop being so hard on yourself (stop) Don't worry about the lady next door, or where ever she was (stop) You will never see her again for the rest of your life. You're so cute.