Saturday, April 5, 2008

Richmond and the 10K

We went to Richmond today. We were originally going to drive up and down Monument Ave. and look at all the beautiful old homes and monuments, but we showed up just in time for the Richmond 10K which is apparently a really big deal around here. There were a lot of participants and Monument Ave. along with a lot of the side streets were closed to motor traffic. Well, after last night's slightly criminal activity, I guess we were feeling like we needed to give something back to the community so we rolled down all the windows and played John William's 'Olympic Fanfare' for the edification and inspiration of all the tired runners. I'm sure they were appreciative. Hey, Faith! Notice the dogwoods are in bloom.


Faith said...

:( I love dogwoods. Today is gray and raining and it already makes me think of Virginia. Oh well, at least rainy Virginia days has taught me to enjoy the gray drisslyness. How are the rest of the flowers and blossoms? Are they all out?

The Woodlands said...

Where did you take these pictures? Please post lots more pictures!!

supermarm &superpops said...

The pictures were taken on a street in Richmond and the close up was taken at Yorktown. There are lots of flowers in bloom. The azaelas are in full parade and there are daffodils just growing wild on the side of the roads. The redbuds (which really ought to be called purplebuds) are gorgeous and Charity, there are wild wisterias draping bushes and trees in lots of places. Of course, everyone seems to have planted cherry trees and they're all blooming and there are those ornamental pears blooming, too. As I said, lots of flowers.

The Woodlands said...

Mom, you know how much I love wisterieas and azaleas! Sounds beautiful!

Faith said...

You need to take pictures of all these flowers. Charity wants all the species and subspecies of all the flowers. :) Good luck with that one. hehe